Exams remain important milestones 12th August 2021 This article was written by Damian and published in this week's Herald and Petersfield Post: "Despite the changes made to the awarding of GCSE and A Level... Articles for the Herald and Post
COP East Hampshire - what we can do locally 5th August 2021 The article below was written by Damian and published in this week's editions of the Herald and Petersfield Post: "Climate change is a defining challenge of our... Articles for the Herald and Post
Some good news on jobs 29th July 2021 This article was written by Damian and published in this week's Herald editions and Petersfield Post: "We all know the cost of the pandemic has been enormous... Articles for the Herald and Post
'Grab a Jab' to help build immunity 22nd July 2021 This article was written by Damian and published in this week's Herald and Petersfield Post editions: "When the NHS celebrated its birthday earlier in July, I... Articles for the Herald and Post
Step 4: approach with caution 16th July 2021 This article was written by Damian and published in this week's Herald editions and Petersfield Post: "By the end of last week, more than 80 million vaccines... Articles for the Herald and Post
The growing opportunity of the wine sector 8th July 2021 This article was written by Damian and published in this week's Herald editions and Petersfield Post: "It was a pleasure to pay another visit to East Hampshire... Articles for the Herald and Post
Preparing for the further easing of restrictions 29th June 2021 This article was written by Damian and published in this week's Herald editions and Petersfield Post: "The new Health Secretary, Sajid Javid, brings an enormous... Articles for the Herald and Post
Thank a Teacher Day more apt than ever 24th June 2021 This article was written by Damian and published in this week's Herald editions and Petersfield Post: "One of the best things about my job is visiting schools... Articles for the Herald and Post
Step 4: moving forward but at a slower pace 17th June 2021 This article was written by Damian and published in this week's Petersfield Post and Herald editions: "The announcement made by the Prime Minister this week to... Articles for the Herald and Post